September 19th, 2009On this day in different years

Erlang, Yaws, and the deadly Tornado

Good things sometimes happen to the open source community. Since Facebook acquisition of FriendFeed, a bunch of technologies were released to the wild, including, most notably, a Tornado web server written in Python. The Tornado is touted as a «a scalable, non-blocking web server and web framework». See Wikipedia article on some details on the performance of that server, as well as some comparison with other web servers.

Here's the chart, taken from Wikipedia:

Performance on AMD Opteron, 2.4GHz, 4 Cores
Server Setup Requests per Second
Tornado nginx, 4 frontends 8213
Tornado 1 single threaded frontend 3353
Django Apache/mod_wsgi 2223 Apache/mod_wsgi 2066
CherryPy standalone 785

The numbers looked interesting, so I decided to benchmark Tornado myself to check out how it fares against some Erlang tools. Collapse )